Easily and powerfully organize your notes in a hierarchy. Create lists of notes, which can contain other lists of notes, and so on! Nest as many lists as you want!
Blazing fast search. No network latency. Search in all of your notes, or just in one list if you prefer.
Save websites for reference along with your other notes. Remember that cookie recipe you had to save? Well, just save it in your list of recipes.
As many checklists as you could possibly want! Groceries? Sure. Absolutely critical tasks before product launch? Sure.
Rich text without clunky UI. You can format your notes with Markdown. That means you can write **something between asterisks** and it'll be bold or preface with a # for a title.
Sort your notes how you want. Each list can be set to a specific sort mode: type, first added, last added, alphabetic, or reverse alphabetic.